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Crisis Intervention & De-escalation Training


8 hours, onsite or via Zoom

About the Course

This 8-hour course is designed to enhance officer response to persons with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and/or substance abuse disorders. This course will update participants on trends and changes in use of force policy, with a special emphasis on de-escalation techniques and options. Through group learning activities, participants will practice effective communication techniques to increase voluntary compliance and defuse tense situations. Students will learn the benefits of stress management and the consequences of chronic stressors on both their performance and well being. This training increases officer safety prior to, during, and after contact.

Agency's choice whether to book a class onsite at your location, a private Zoom course with just your staff, or have a few officers join our open-enrollment courses (onsite is the only option when using COPS funding).


COPS Funding Information:

Onsite only, we'll travel anywhere in the US.

Free to any sworn agency, class sizes range between 20-40 students.

This course is approved for COPS De-escalation Microgrant grantees, but all sworn agencies can access funding through a quick and easy referral process.

IADLEST Cert: 20255-2008

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California Certification Information:

Fulfills Strategic Communication Perishable Skills and SB11 requirements

POST Plan V reimbursable

POST CCN: 1239-20798

What Our Students Say

"Definitely one of the more informative and entertaining trainings that I have attended. The crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques that were taught feel vital in modern era law enforcement."

"The course was very informative and I feel more prepared in dealing with different types of situations involving persons struggling with mental, physical and addiction issues."

"Safety for law enforcement and community is of utmost importance and this training brings home all aspects of that. Self-care and educating the community are so important to longevity of life and the career of a helping profession is taught in this training."

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