About the Services
Service Rates
Intake Assessment Session: $255
(Required first time appointment - not necessary if the client has received GET SAFE services within last year)
Training Session: $223 per session
Please note: These service rates reflect the cost of traditional Intake Assessments and training sessions, averaged across all relevant existing rates across comparable Get Safe programming currently at several regional centers. Therefore, the rates may be higher or lower than what was initially utilized to craft your client’s budget. This averaging approach was chosen in efforts to be fair and systematic to clients of all regional centers and to assist in streamlining Get Safe processes. Additionally, the “per training session” cost is based on a two-hour period to account for direct training time, report writing, and direct client administration such as scheduling, confirming, and preparing for individualized sessions.
How to request GET SAFE services for SDP Clients
1. Fill out our SDP interest form: https://forms.monday.com/forms/9a85ac99bd264344b5640e6240f56c84?r=use1
2. Email FMS vendor paperwork to us:
•Name of Vendor: RockSoup Edutainment Inc., dba GET SAFE
•Contact Person: Michelle Vimolphandhu
•Contact Person Telephone Number: 714.834.0050
•Contact Person Email Address: michelle@getsafeusa.com
3. Once the vendor paperwork has been signed and we have confirmed your approved SDP budget amount for GET SAFE services, we will then send over our invoice for services, along with our service contract that will need to be signed. Please be advised, we require full funding prior to providing services.
4. Once all the above are complete, we can begin services!
Questions or concerns? Please reach out to us at rcprograms@getsafeusa.com or 714.391.0988.