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You exit your car and are immediately stopped by an adult that seems to be a parent. She looks worried and is on the phone. She asks with some tension in her voice, “Is everything okay officer?” You tell her you are here to say hi to the principal and that nothing is wrong. You ask for directions to the principal’s office, and she points you in the right direction.


You walk into the office and see a secretary behind the desk. You ask the secretary if the principal is available. She inquires as to what your needs are and clarifies by saying there are several principals. Each assistant principal handles specific tasks, while the main principal oversees everything. You inform her that you just want to meet someone since the school is in your area of responsibility. She informs you that Assistant Principal Harvey is responsible for school safety related tasks. She asks you leave your business card, and she will pass it to Harvey.

Do you:

A) Leave a few cards and take the principal’s direct line

B) Ask her to try paging him to the front desk

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