Elopement Prevention for People with I/DD
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Elopement Prevention for People with I/DD


2 hours

About the Services

Autism-related elopement, or wandering from a safe location, is more a matter of when than if. The condition make it harder for them to recognize danger, harder to recognize when and how to return to safety, and harder to recognize when others are trying to help. But there are ways to mitigate the risk of elopement in the first place and speed up the recovery process if they do elope.

This 2-hour course is for people with Autism or other intellectual or developmental disabilities who may elope from safe environemnts. We'll help them understand safety awareness, communicating needs to others, how to interact with law enforcement, and how to ask for help when they're lost. The course content is tailored to help people of all abilities be safer if and when they elope.

This course is currently offered free to any agency or group within Southern California (Kern County, San Luis Obispo County, and south) and is most effective when paired with Elopement Prevention & Response for parents and support figures.

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